OvR and OvS Series to follow

Hollywood is continually remaking movies and over the past few decades it seems as though the horror genre has been hit the hardest. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to their schemes…the movies remade have run their gambit from classics to b-films and more frequently as of late, remakes of remakes. It used to be when a movie made some money they made a gazillion sequels but lately even the sequels get remade.

When viewing remakes I am always skeptical. I’ve seen some winners but more often than not, there are losers. This penchant of Hollywood has spawned an idea for me to do a series of blogs giving my take on some of the ones I’ve come across. The posts will be listed as Original vs. Remake (OvR) and also Original vs Sequel (OvS). Whether you agree or disagree with some of my picks, this should prove interesting…
