31 Days of Horror – The Returned

You know that phrase “never judge a book by its cover?”  Well, I am definitely one of those people that do.  I like to say the reason is due to my being an artist but it is entirely possible that I am just a cover snob.  If it isn’t appealing, I just won’t buy it.  I am completely aware that I may be missing out on some really great stories but it is what it is.  This prejudice of mine is also extended to movie jackets.  The cover for the movie The Returned on Netflix is one such example.  It has been popping up in my recommend list for months and the cover added to the fact that it is a zombie film has made me pass it by on more than one occasion.  Today, I decided to give it a shot and see just what was in store for me.

And I have to say that I am impressed.

Typically, when I think of zombies, I think of the shambling brain eating variety from Night of the Living Dead or the more scary infected type that are faster then a gazelle in 28 Days Later.  So imagine my surprise when someone took a humane approach to writing a movie about the infected and a possible cure.

The Returned isn’t a zombie movie.  The Returned is an excellent drama that deals with the social issues, stigma, and prejudice surrounding a group of people who have been given a second chance at life and are doomed to be on medication to maintain that life.  And that statement alone makes the movie sound boring and dull but it really isn’t.  Honest.

Kris Holden-Ried gives a phenomenal performance as Alex, one of the returned, in this movie directed by Manuel Carballo and written by Hatem Khraiche.  Emily Hampshire costars as Alex’s wife, Kate, who is a doctor working to find a cure for the disease in a time when the life saving prescription is running low.  This is a story about life and love and friendship and what you would do to hold on to all of that.

Whereas this movie may not be the one to huddle under the covers in fear or check the closets for creepy crawlies, it is an excellent story that just needs to be watched.

This concludes day 10 of my 31 Days of Horror which ended in one that was not so horrific after all.  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post as my search for horror continues…

