Comic Book Review! Low: The Delirium of Hope

Millennia ago, mankind fled the earth’s surface into the bottomless depths of the darkest oceans. Shielded from a merciless sun’s scorching radiation, the human race tried to stave off certain extinction by sending robotic probes far into the galaxy, to search for a new home among the stars. Generations later, one family is about to be torn apart, in a conflict that will usher in the final race to save humanity from a world beyond hope.
For a story that is supposed to revolve around the power of positive thinking, this is a really depressing take on optimism.  Even our main character, Stel, who is supposedly the sole champion of positivism in the world, isn't very good at instilling hope to anyone, including herself.  

Depressing scenarios aside, the dystopian world created is pretty thought out.  Cataclysmic events topside have forced humans to live within the oceans.  Over the centuries, their air filtrations are at their max poisoning the populace and the clock is ticking toward their ultimate demise.  Everyone but Stel has accepted their fate and are passing their time with drugs and orgies that are way too similar to the ancient Romans.  And don't get me started on the samurai pirates...

All in all, it's not a bad read and one worth checking out.  The artwork is hit or miss throughout.  It is a less polished style, which I like in many ways, but there are some beautiful ocean scenes that make up for some of the less congruent panels.
