Series Review! The Defenders

If ever there was a time to get a Netflix subscription, now would be it.  You would have some catching up to do in order to truly enjoy this series, but I promise you, the binge fest would be worth it in the end.

This was an amazing season and did not disappoint in the least. The writers did a phenomenal job of overlaying the individual story-lines and combining them into one believable mash-up without sacrificing their core beliefs just to get them all together in one room. It was also great to get to know The Hand a bit better and witness their internal struggles. (Now to learn more about The Chaste after all the nuggets of information dropped within...But I digress.)

As with each individual series, this one starts slow introducing the basic plot lines and converging them through solid exposition, and gradually increases in momentum until it's climax, ending with a neat and tidy wrap-up that will leave viewers wanting more. A lot more.