Released in 2017, Underworld: Blood Wars is the fifth movie in the franchise picking up a short time after Awakening left off.
In Awakening, we followed Selene as she continued to search for Michael while simultaneously protecting their daughter. By doing so, she inadvertently gets caught up in the politics of the vampire houses while befriending a new ally, David, played by Theo James. In Blood Wars, Selene is alone, hunted again by vampire and lycan. When the vampire Council extends an olive branch to Selene, she tentatively accepts ignorant of the inner political machinations.
Having watched Awakening and Blood Wars back to back, I feel that Blood Wars is the stronger of the two though the box office numbers do not seem to reflect it. There are better fight scenes and Marius is an incredibly strong opponent. And I'm not just referring to his physical prowess, but to the secret he holds that tests Selene on a much deeper level.
Overall, I was impressed with the movie and felt that it finished Selene's story line quite nicely. The last few minutes puts this statement to the test, but also serves as a means of passing the torch on to a newer character. I suppose only time will tell what the creators have in store for our beloved Selene. Hopefully it also involves such much needed rest. Our girl has been through a lot these past few years.