31 Days of Horror! Hell Fest

A masked serial killer turns a horror themed amusement park into his own personal playground, terrorizing a group of friends while the rest of the patrons believe that it is all part of the show. 
I have to say, going in to this movie I didn't have any hopes for it.  Sure, the trailers looked great, but I've been fooled before so I kept my expectations low.  Having found a gift card from my birthday a few months back, I decided "why not?" and hit the theater on opening night.

I am happy to report that my misgivings were for naught.  I was actually a bit impressed by the movie.  What most horror movies lack is character development, but that is not the case with Hell Fest.  And it wasn't just the lead that they spent time on but the supporting characters as well.

I never wish to give spoilers, so my reviews are always short and sweet so that I don't inadvertently give away plot points.  Suffice it to say, this is worth the money to see on the big screen.  As an aside, I really wish there were a Hell Fest to visit because this girl would definitely wait in line to participate (sans serial killer of course)!