31 Days of Horror! Death House

Two guards fighting through a power breakdown inside the secret 'Death House' prison must fight to survive ruthless inmates and even supernatural horrors.
I went into this movie with low expectations (especially after watching the trailer).  Considering the cast and the loose representation of Dante's 9 levels of hell, I thought: why not?  I've stomached quite a few b-movies in my time and figured the star power alone might get me through.  I was wrong...oh, so very wrong.

The film started off ok with one of my favorites, Tony Todd, as the farmer.  It quickly went south after that.  If it weren't for Dee Wallace, I most assuredly would have turned the movie off and found another one to watch.  So I watched.  And in hindsight, I should have found another movie.

To be fair, this movie was great for getting a chance to see so many horror movie icons in one film.  Touted as being The Expendables of horror, this film lacked a cohesive story-line, and settled for an attempt at pacifying the viewer with gore instead.  The sad fact is, I've seen worse movies.