The Super centers on the mysterious disappearance of several tenants at a luxury New York City apartment building. Phil Lodge (Flueger), the building's new superintendent and former NYPD officer, immediately suspects Walter (Kilmer), the strange maintenance man. With his daughters' lives on the line, Phil must decipher the cryptic riddles in which Walter speaks to solve the disappearances before it's too late.
I have to be honest, I only chose this movie because Val Kilmer starred in it. I didn't even look to see what it was about or who else starred in it. It was horror, and he was in it. Win/win in my book of viewing choices. And, I have to say I was pretty pleased with it.
One of the things I liked most about this movie is the way that it started: nice and creepy. And thankfully it wasn't filled with the traditional jump-scares. It focused more on building up the tension through light and shadow and, dare I say it, atmosphere (something that is lacking in a lot of horror movies lately).
Though Val isn't the lead, his role is perfect for his ability to do character roles. I can't really comment much on any of the characters because I don't want to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say, though I was able to predict a bunch of what was going on, I wasn't bored and it did hold my attention. This is definitely worth a watch, in my humble opinion.