Movie Review! Sweet Girl

Admittedly, I am super behind on my movie watch list. Sweet Girl has been staring at me for a couple weeks now every time I log into Netflix.  I decided to fix that.

Sweet Girl is a movie about revenge. It follows the fate of one family that pays the very dear price when politics and Big Pharma clash. When an affordable, yet effective, medication for cancer is delayed indefinitely, Amanda Cooper loses her battle with the disease. Her husband vows revenge against the pharmaceutical company and uncovers a deeper conspiracy within.

This was a pretty solid thriller with many predictable scenes, but a sweet twist in the mix. It was also nice watching a movie shot in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA (something I didn't realize until the opening scene).

All in all, the acting was pretty solid. I did enjoy the action scenes and the pace kept me entertained for the duration. If you haven't seen it yet, log into Netflix and enjoy the ride.
