31 Days of Horror! Dark Light

Close on the heels of watching Block Island Sound, I pressed play on this one. It too was another movie that kept popping up in my recommends and I kept passing it by. One thing about doing this challenge every year, you tend to run out of fresh movies to view and wind up hitting the backlist.

Dark Light follows the story of a mother and daughter who move into a family home after separating from her husband. On the first night, Annie begins to believe they are not alone. Ruling out ghosts, she begins to suspect intruders, then realizes they are monsters.

Though the concept for this film is definitely intriguing, I also believe the reveal was rushed and left too many glaring plot holes. The viewer is instead left to watch way too many scenes with Annie wandering around her home with a loaded shotgun aiming and hitting nothing (except her ex).  

This is another movie that I feel could be much better with a completely different script. But, who knows, its quite possible the missing plot points were left on the cutting room floor during editing. Overall, I give it a pass for originality (in part).
