31 Days of Horror! From Within

This movie starts off with a bang, quite literally, as one resident of a small town commits suicide while sitting next to his girlfriend.  Shortly after, she also commits suicide after frantically running through town and telling her father that she is being followed by someone.  This is but the beginning as more residents systematically begin dying - all through suicide.  The residents are torn - are these deaths because of a secret suicide pact, grief, or something far more sinister?

For Lindsay, when the town outcast, Aiden, returns for his brother's funeral (the first death), she begins to question her fanatical evangelical upbringing.  She also uncovers a secret the town had kept hidden that explains what has happens.  Her relationship with Aiden also causes him to question is family's faith and the two band together to stop the curse that is plaguing the town.

This one was a rewatch for me as I saw it several years ago.  I didn't remember seeing it but only realized once watching because it was too familiar.  I suppose you could say this movie is unmemorable but it was (and still is) at least entertaining.  It is filled with the usual tropes and isn't remarkably frightening.  I did enjoy the ending so there is that at least.  Perfect for a rainy day!
