Heartwarming Journey through Hell: A Review of "My Daemon"


"My Daemon," the Netflix animated series produced by Igloo Studio and directed by Nat Yoswatananont, is a captivating anime-influenced fantasy-science fiction gem that took the streaming platform by storm upon its release on November 23, 2023. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth collides with Hell due to a nuclear explosion, the series follows the endearing story of elementary student Kento and his daemon companion, Anna.

The premise of the show is both unique and intriguing, as it centers around Kento's quest to bring his mother back to life by seeking a rare daemon rumored to possess the ability to reverse time. This underlying motive sets the stage for a heartwarming journey that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between humans and daemons.

One of the standout aspects of "My Daemon" is the emotional depth woven into its narrative. The series successfully tugs at the heartstrings as viewers join Kento on his cross-country adventure. The portrayal of Kento's unwavering determination to save his mother, and his wide-eyed view of daemon’s in general, adds a layer of emotional resonance to the overall storyline, making it relatable and emotionally charged.

The world-building in "My Daemon" deserves commendation, offering a glimpse into the aftermath of the catastrophic event that led to the emergence of daemons. Through Kento's eyes, viewers witness the inherent goodness of daemons, highlighting their positive impact on the world. Simultaneously, the series sheds light on the darker side of humanity, portraying the mistreatment and fear that daemons face at the hands of bounty hunters. This duality creates a rich and nuanced backdrop that adds depth to the narrative.

The animation style, influenced by anime aesthetics, enhances the overall viewing experience. The vibrant and detailed visuals bring the post-apocalyptic world to life, effectively immersing the audience in the fantastical realm of daemons and magic.

Furthermore, the character development in "My Daemon" is well-executed, with Kento's growth at the forefront. His evolving understanding of daemons, coupled with the challenges he faces, adds layers to his character, making him a character worth investing in.

"My Daemon" is a standout series that seamlessly blends fantasy, science fiction, and heartwarming storytelling. With its captivating premise, emotional resonance, and well-crafted characters, the show offers a unique and compelling viewing experience. I wholeheartedly recommend "My Daemon" to anyone seeking an anime-inspired series that balances adventure, emotion, and a touch of the supernatural. It's a journey through Hell that you won't want to miss.
