See For Me (2022)


See For Me is a tense, cleverly executed home-invasion thriller that takes an intriguing spin on the genre by placing a visually impaired protagonist at the center of the action. Directed by Randall Okita, the film introduces viewers to Sophie (Skyler Davenport), a former competitive skier who lost her vision and now finds herself taking on house-sitting jobs. What seems like a straightforward gig in a luxurious, remote mansion quickly escalates into a fight for survival when a group of thieves breaks in, unaware that the house is occupied.

What sets See For Me apart is its unique use of technology and a second protagonist, Kelly (Jessica Parker Kennedy), an army veteran who assists Sophie remotely through an app designed for visually impaired users. Kelly’s role is pivotal as she becomes Sophie’s “eyes,” guiding her through the house and strategizing to outwit the intruders. This dynamic between the two women injects a fresh take into the classic cat-and-mouse formula.

Skyler Davenport, who is visually impaired in real life, delivers an authentic and compelling performance. Sophie’s character is neither helpless nor stereotypical; she is fiercely independent, resourceful, and at times morally ambiguous. Davenport brings these complexities to life with subtlety and depth. Meanwhile, Kennedy’s voice work as Kelly is confident and empathetic, seamlessly complementing Sophie’s bold and sometimes reckless decisions.

The cinematography and direction create a believable sense of claustrophobia and tension. Okita smartly uses sound design and restricted camera angles to put the audience in Sophie’s shoes, amplifying the suspense. The intruders, while not the most complex antagonists in the genre, are well-acted and sufficiently menacing, providing enough unpredictability to keep viewers engaged.

While See For Me may not reinvent the thriller genre, it successfully merges classic elements with its innovative concept, making for a gripping watch. The film’s pacing is brisk, and it makes good use of its tight 92-minute runtime to build stakes and develop character dynamics without dragging. The strategic interplay between Sophie and Kelly adds a unique and satisfying layer to the home invasion plot, making viewers wonder how far a partnership that begins in survival can go.

Overall, See For Me is an enjoyable and intense thriller that stands out due to its unique premise and strong central performances. It's well worth watching for those who appreciate smart, resourceful leads and suspenseful storytelling that explores themes of trust, resilience, and the power of human connection in unexpected places.
